You have to do this or that, but meanwhile life is just passing by: methodological correctness and miracles in education research as a human science

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Philosophy has helped my self-understanding as education researcher: I am curious about cultural phenomena like our intercultural lives and the role of our spoken languages in it, as well as 'artefacts' like films and theatre, and how their processes of coming into being, can be understood educationally. A puzzle for me has always been the question of interpretation and representation. How is it possible to get to the 'truth' of cultural phenomena, when they are so bound up in particular events, places, relationships and sensations? It is the befuddlements of methodological 'correctness', that led me to turn to philosophy and to ask what words like truth, meaning and method might actually mean. This is the use of theory/philosophy in education for me.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalSERA Researching Education Bulletin
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 27 Apr 2021


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