Wind turbines support techniques during frequency drops — energy utilization comparison

Ayman B. Attya, T. Hartkopf

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The supportive role of wind turbines during frequency drops is still not clear enough, although there are many proposed algorithms. Most of the offered techniques make the wind turbine deviates from optimum power generation operation to special operation modes, to guarantee the availability of reasonable power support, when the system suffers frequency deviations. This paper summarizes the most dominant support algorithms and derives wind turbine power curves for each one. It also conducts a comparison from the point of view of wasted energy, with respect to optimum power generation. The authors insure the advantage of a frequency support algorithm, they previously presented, as it achieved lower amounts of wasted energy. This analysis is performed in two locations that are promising candidates for hosting wind farms in Egypt. Additionally, two different types of wind turbines from two different manufacturers are integrated. Matlab and Simulink are the implemented simulation environments.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)260-275
Number of pages16
JournalAIMS Energy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2014


  • wind turbine
  • wind energy
  • frequency drop
  • de-loading frequency support


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