Who Cares? Scotland: 25 years and still moving forward....

Deirdre Watson

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Who Cares? Scotland was established in 1978 to act as the consumer voice of young people in care. Initially, the organisation provided the opportunity for young people to comment on the care services they received. For the first ten years, Who Cares? Scotland operated on an entirely voluntary basis. 'Supportive adults', mainly employed in social work and residential care, worked with young people to set up a network of groups bringing young people together. These groups enabled young people to comment on care services and the adults to promote their views to relevant people in the Scottish Office and Regional Councils.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalScottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2003


  • looked after children
  • Scotland
  • social care
  • Who Cares? Scotland


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