When your face is your boarding pass you are holidaying with Big Brother

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Imagine moving through an airport without producing your passport or boarding pass at key touch points. Imagine that you can get through check-in and passport control by just showing your face. Machines will read and analyse your face, instruct you to your departure gate, and organise your duty-free shopping and boarding. Instead of spending time in long queues, you transition swiftly through expedited lanes. Sounds good? Then imagine the same process on arrival, as you proceed through another set of passport controls before collecting your luggage. In fact, why not use your face for a speedy car hire and hotel check-in before heading to the beach or pool? All this is possible as a result of facial-recognition technology.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationThe Irish Times
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jul 2019


  • facial recognition
  • passport control
  • human rights
  • surveillance systems


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