What would you do? Reflecting on ethical values in librarianship

D. McMenemy

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There is a sizeable literature on values and ethics in librarianship, much of it by Robert Hauptman, most recently his wide-ranging work Ethics and Librarianship (Hauptman, 2002). Professions need core values to support their work. We all, as CILIP members, are required to adhere to the ethical code of our association; yet how many of us actually know what it states? (CILIP, 2005) A set of values can act like a mission statement for our practise, but it does not necessarily make it a practical tool for day to day library work.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-73
Number of pages2
JournalImpact: Journal of the Career Development Group
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • ethics
  • librarians
  • information management
  • libraries
  • librarianship


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