What is the value of a standard?

M. Revie, T. Bedford, L. Walls, J. Shimell, T. Baldwin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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Standards play a critical role in the procurement of defence, and other, systems. Choosing the most appropriate standard is important but has become more topical given the UK Ministry of Defence policy of “as civilian as possible, as military as necessary”. Whereas historically managers might have selected from classes of defence standards, this choice set is now increased to include civil standards. We develop a model that has been commissioned by the UK Defence Standardisation whose responsibilities include supporting project teams on the selection of standards. Our model is based on an extension of Bayesian Belief Networks, called an Influence Diagram, which allows decisions and consequences to be represented as well as uncertain-ties. We have developed an initial model for a real case to assess the feasibility and use. We outline the con-text of the defence procurement project in our case study and describe the reasoning underpinning the model structure. We have found that it is possible to develop a simple model that captures the views of multiple stakeholders and informs a reasoned choice about the value of alternative standards.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRisk, Reliability and Safety
Subtitle of host publicationInnovating Theory and Practice: Proceedings of ESREL 2016 (Glasgow, Scotland, 25-29 September 2016)
EditorsLesley Walls, Matthew Revie, Tim Bedford
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9781315374987
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2016


  • standards
  • Ministry of Defence
  • UK Defence Standardization
  • civil standards
  • Bayesian belief networks
  • influence diagrams


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