WDM PONs: next step for the first mile

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Due to a variety of commercial reasons, investments and developments in the access network have not been as active as in its backbone counterpart. The transmission bandwidth of access network has lagged far behind the rest of the whole network architecture, this causing serious bottleneck problems resulting in potentially high loss and long delay when traffic is exchanged between access and backbone networks. This paper targets the bottleneck problems within the access network. A multiple wavelength Ethernet PON (passive optical network) that constitutes a long-term and highly cost-efficient solution is proposed. The
access network architecture presented in the paper is a passive optical tree (point-to-multipoint) in which 64 ONUs (or more) are connected to an optical line terminal (OLT) via a shared section of fibre. A WDM version of MAC (medium access control) scheme which enables multiple services, such as telecommunications, TV broadcast, internet access, and multimedia communications, to be integrated into a single infrastructure was developed. The proposed system provides a highly cost-efficient network architecture in term of development, operation and maintenance.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event2nd International Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks - Ilkley, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Jul 200428 Jul 2004


Conference2nd International Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks
Abbreviated titleHET-NET'04
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • MPCP
  • EPON
  • MAC
  • polling


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