Voting for disabled candidates

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Despite important advances in the rights of disabled people, stigma and prejudice remain widespread. Meanwhile, disabled political representatives are few and far between. This raises the question: do voters discriminate against disabled candidates? This study uses conjoint experiments in the US and the UK to show that candidates with physical or sensory impairments are preferred by voters on the left, whereas voters on the right are more likely to vote for non-disabled candidates. However, these effects are almost entirely due to voters’ perceptions of disabled candidates as more left-wing. When perceived ideology is held constant or candidates’ party affiliation is known, candidate disability does not affect the vote choice among right-wing voters. Left-wing voters still reward left-wing disabled candidates for representing under-represented groups. The findings expand our understanding of the role of disability in electoral politics and should encourage candidates and parties concerned about discrimination at the ballot box.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Politics
Early online date1 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Oct 2024


  • candidate support
  • disability
  • survey experimet
  • stereotypes


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