Vorticity-transport and unstructured RANS investigation of rotor-fuselage interactions

Marilyn J. Smith, Rajiv Shenoy, Adam R. Kenyon, Richard Brown

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The prediction capabilities of unstructured primitive-variable and vorticity-transport-based Navier-Stokes solvers have been compared for rotorcraft-fuselage interaction. Their accuracies have been assessed using the NASA Langley ROBIN series of experiments. Correlation of steady pressure on the isolated fuselage delineates the differences between the viscous and inviscid solvers. The influence of the individual blade passage, model supports, and viscous effects on the unsteady pressure loading has been studied. Smoke visualization from the ROBIN experiment has been used to determine the ability of the codes to predict the wake geometry. The two computational methods are observed to provide similar results within the context of their physical assumptions and simplifications in the test configuration.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2009
Event35th European Rotorcraft Forum - Hamburg, Gemany
Duration: 22 Sept 200925 Sept 2009


Conference35th European Rotorcraft Forum
CityHamburg, Gemany


  • rotorcraft-fuselage interaction
  • nasa langleyrobin experiments
  • unsteady pressure loading


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