Voltammetric metal cation sensors based on ferrocene derivatives with oxazoline and imine substituents

O B Sutcliffe, A Chesney, M R Bryce

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Citations (Scopus)


Ferrocene derivatives la, lb and 2 containing oxazoline substituents act as efficient voltammetric sensors of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions in acetonitrile solution in concentrations as low as 10 mol%: a new redox peak appears in the cyclic voltammogram, positively shifted by 310-360 mV for 1a and 1b, and by 160-190 mV for 2, compared to E-1/2 of the free ligand. For the bisferrocenyldiimine derivative 3 the shift is 150-160 mV. Compounds la, lb and 3 are also responsive to Cu2+ ions (shifts of 250, 320 and 160 mV, respectively) and compound 3 is responsive to Zn2+ ions (150 mV shift) with no interference from a large excess of several other metal salts. UV-vis spectrophotometric studies and H-1-NMR titration experiments confirm that the oxazoline or imine groups are the sites of metal complexation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)134-138
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
Issue numberSpecial Issue SI
Early online date20 Nov 2001
Publication statusPublished - 3 Dec 2001


  • ferrocene
  • oxazoline
  • electrochemistry
  • sensors
  • molecular recognition
  • electrochemical recognition
  • supramolecular systems
  • conjugated link
  • lariat ethers
  • crown ethers
  • ligands
  • molecules
  • chemistry
  • magnesium
  • behaviour


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