VIRTUE: integrating CFD ship design

Alex Duffy, Stefan Harries, Jochen Marzi, Christoph Petz, Zichao Wu, DMEM, University of Strathclyde, UK, FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS GmbH, Germany, HSVA, Germany, ZIB, Germany

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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Novel ship concepts, increasing size and speed, and strong competition in the global maritime market require that a ship's hydrodynamic performance be studied at the highest level of sophistication. All hydrodynamic aspects need to be considered so as to optimize trade-offs between resistance, propulsion (and cavitation), seakeeping or manoeuvring. VIRTUE takes a holistic approach to hydrodynamic design and focuses on integrating advanced CFD tools in a software platform that can control and launch multi-objective hydrodynamic design projects. In this paper current practice, future requirements and a potential software integration platform are presented. The necessity of parametric modelling as a means of effectively generating and efficiently varying geometry, and the added-value of advanced visualization, is discussed. An illustrating example is given as a test case, a container carrier investigation, and the requirements and a proposed architecture for the platform are outlined.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2006
Event7th International Conference On Hydrodynamics - Ischia, Italy
Duration: 4 Oct 20066 Oct 2006


Conference7th International Conference On Hydrodynamics
CityIschia, Italy


  • computational fluid dynamics
  • integrated systems
  • distributed working
  • ship design


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