View invariant DIBR-3D image watermarking using DT-CWT

Shuvendu Rana, Arijit Sur

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In 3D image compression, depth image based rendering (DIBR) is one of the latest techniques where the center image (say the main view, is used to synthesise the left and the right view image) and the depth image are communicated to the receiver side. It has been observed in the literature that most of the existing 3D image watermarking schemes are not resilient to the view synthesis process used in the DIBR technique. In this paper, a 3D image watermarking scheme is proposed which is invariant to the DIBR view synthesis process. In this proposed scheme, 2D-dual-tree complex wavelet transform (2D-DT-CWT) coefficients of centre view are used for watermark embedding such that shift invariance and directional property of the DT-CWT can be exploited to make the scheme robust against view synthesis process. A comprehensive set of experiments has been carried out to justify the robustness of the proposed scheme over the related existing schemes with respect to the JPEG compression and synthesis view attack.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-29
Number of pages29
JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
Early online date22 Dec 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 Dec 2018


  • 3D image watermarking
  • view invariant watermarking
  • DIBR


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