Vehicle and mission design of a future small payload launcher

Christie Alisa Maddock, Federico Toso, Lorenzo Ricciardi, Alessandro Mogavero, Kin Hing Lo, Sriram Rengarajan, Kostantinos Kontis, Andy Milne, Jim Merrifield, David Evans, Michael West, Stuart McIntyre

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

5 Citations (Scopus)
415 Downloads (Pure)


This paper presents the conceptual design and performance analysis of a partially reusable space launch vehicle for small payloads. The system uses a multi-stage vehicle with
rocket engines, with a reusable first stage capable of glided or powered flight, and expendable upper stage(s) to inject a 500 kg payload in different low Earth orbits. The space
access vehicle is designed to be air-launched from a modified aircraft carrier. The aim of the system design is to develop a commercially viable launch system for near-term operation, thus emphasis is placed on the efficient use of high TRL technologies. The vehicle design are analysed using a multi-disciplinary design optimisation approach to evaluate the performance, operational capabilities and design trade-offs.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference
Place of PublicationReston, VA
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9781624104633
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2017
EventAIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technology Conference - Xiamen, China
Duration: 6 Mar 20179 Mar 2017
Conference number: 21

Publication series

NameInternational Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conferences
PublisherAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


ConferenceAIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technology Conference
Abbreviated titleHypersonics 2017
Internet address


  • launch vehicle system design
  • spaceplane
  • payloads
  • optimisation
  • small satellite launch
  • rocket propulsion systems


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