Utilizing flipped classroom approaches offered in a joint programme: opportunities and challenges

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This paper presents the lesson learnt the first implementation of an online course, ‘Soil Mechanics’, in a Joint International Education Programme in partnership between the University of Strathclyde (UK) and a Chinese University. While the original plan was to deliver this course face-to-face (F2F), the online mode of delivery was later adopted due to the spread of the COVID pandemic. This prompted the implementation of alternative pedagogical approaches, such as the flipped classroom approach (FLA), and offered to opportunity to assess new modes of learning. The new delivery method presents a number of learning and teaching challenges, such as the effectiveness of online resources, the language barriers of students, and the customization of traditional assessments based on the need for online courses. The paper discusses all aspects of teaching and learning strategies utilised in this module and compares them with a similar module taught F2F by the author in a traditional framework at the University of Strathclyde. Academic achievements (as demonstrated through assessments), students’ satisfaction and engagement, and instructor reflection are among key measures used to evaluate the performance of the new approach. As the module is intended to be presented F2F class format in the upcoming years, the idea of maintaining the same teaching and learning strategy or revoking it will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2024
Event52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) - Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Duration: 2 Sept 20245 Sept 2024


Conference52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
Abbreviated titleSEFI 2024
Internet address


  • flipped classroom approach
  • joint programmes
  • technology enhanced learning


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