Unraveling The Nagoya Protocol: A Commentary of the Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Elisa Morgera, Elsa Tsioumani, Matthias Buck

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The Nagoya Protocol on access and benefit-sharing is an international environmental agreement that concerns environmental sustainability , other sustainable development issues and equity. It addresses a complex subject matter that affects a range of research, development and commercial activities and is relevant to different areas of international law such as human rights, intellectual property rights, health, food and oceans.

Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol identifies textual, contextual and systemic interpretative questions and suggests solutions that aim to give a coherent and balanced meaning to the text of the Protocol. Offering a systematic discussion of the Protocol’s legal innovations against the background of general international law, this commentary aims to be of use to international biodiversity law scholars and practitioners, as well as to international lawyers that approach access and benefit-sharing for the first time.
Original languageEnglish
ISBN (Electronic)9789004217188
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Publication series

NameLegal Studies on Access and Benefit-sharing


  • environmental sustainability
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Nagoya Protocol


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