Ultrasonic bulk wave measurements on composite using fiber from recycled CFRP

David Paterson, Winifred L. Ijomah, James F. C. Windmill, Chih-Chuan Kao, Grant Smillie

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This study investigates the velocity profile for both a virgin carbon fiber reinforced plastic (v-CFRP) and a reused fiber CFRP (rf-CFRP) which exhibit quasi-isotropy; all samples have 3 iterations of symmetry type [0, -45, +45, 90]s. An isotropic virgin CFRP (v-CFRP), produced by using a hand layup process, is presented along with a pyrolysis recycling process (at 600oC) designed to extract the carbon fibers. A virgin carbon fiber mat with a similar architecture was also thermally conditioned under the same pyrolysis conditions. Both resultant carbon fiber mats were used to produce the rf-CFRPs. Ultrasonic wave velocities at different angles of incidence for both v-CFRP and rf-CFRP were recorded. In the case of v-CFRP, two samples were studied and it was recorded that the velocity for both a longitudinal wave and transverse wave remained relatively constant up until these waves completely attenuated at observed angles, indicating what would be expected from an isotropic sample. A close relationship in terms of waves speed was also recorded for the two v-CFRP samples. In the case of rf-CFRP, the longitudinal wave velocities were generally less closely related when compared to the v-CFRP, with a maximum of approximately 32% difference being recorded. The transverse wave velocity was also found to decrease incident angle indicating sample anisotropy. The authors suggest that the more severe decreasing velocity with increasing incident angle, when compared to v-CFRP, may be caused by resin impregnation issues and not by changes that occur during the recycling process. Therefore, a hypothesis that both the rf-CFRP and the V-CFRP will return a similar wave profile given an identical resin fiber content is put forward.
Original languageEnglish
Article number130010
Number of pages10
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2018
EventQNDE 2017 - Provo, United States
Duration: 16 Jul 201621 Jul 2017


  • virgin carbon fiber reinforced plastic
  • reused fiber reinforced plastic
  • resin fibre


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