Turning engineers into reflective university teachers

I. Huet, J. Tavares, G.R.S. Weir

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Increasing attention to quality and innovation in Higher Education (HE) is enhancing the pedagogic knowledge of faculty members and thereby encouraging the academic success of their students. This aim requires, from the institution and teachers, a greater degree of involvement than was previously the case. This is certainly borne out by experience in Portuguese universities. The growing concern of engineers with issues of pedagogy and academic success marks a sea change in the traditional conceptions of teaching and learning in Higher Education. There are, of course, indications that many academics are resistant to change. Our research indicates a tradition among Portuguese and Scottish academics to incline their effort toward research with a resultant decline in interest and effort on teaching. The present paper presents a meta-analysis of research conducted at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom) between 2000 and 2004 involving academics who taught first-year introductory Programming courses. The purpose of our study was to promote reflection and research on teaching based issues as a strategy toward improved student learning. The findings of the study raised a number of salient issues for discussion and consideration. In this paper, we present some of these issues, aiming to explore the impact that the findings may have on teachers' attitudes towards teaching and students' learning in introductory programming courses.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2006
Event36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in education conference, San Diego, CA - San Diego, USA
Duration: 28 Oct 200631 Oct 2006


Conference36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in education conference, San Diego, CA
CitySan Diego, USA


  • teaching best practices
  • reflective practice
  • student retention and failure
  • learning partnerships


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