Tribo-corrosion maps for application in bio-tribology: some new approaches

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Advances in the study of tribo-corrosion of materials in recent years have included the development of mechanistic maps, showing the transitions between the regimes as a function of the main process parameters. In such cases, maps have been constructed in both two and three dimensions. There are now a variety of modelling algorithms which may be used to map a range of performance indicators over a multi-parameter space. The interactions of tribo-corrosion in biological environments are becoming of increasing importance.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2010
EventUK-China Summer School and Workshop on Tribology and Surface Engineering - Southampton, UK
Duration: 24 Aug 201025 Aug 2010


ConferenceUK-China Summer School and Workshop on Tribology and Surface Engineering
CitySouthampton, UK


  • bio-tribo-corrosion maps
  • bio-tribology applications
  • corrosion
  • hip joints
  • dentistry


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