Transferability of ePortfolios in education: The efficacy of ePortfolios in initial teacher education

Derek Young, Kylie Lipczynski, Escalate (Funder)

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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The first phase of this project, evaluating the current uses and designs of e-portfolios in Higher Education Teacher Training courses within the UK, has now been successfully completed. Phase one of the study identified practitioner's views on the successes, failures and barriers to implementing e-portfolios into the ITE curriculum on a large scale. In addition, phase one investigated existing e-portfolio packages and tools currently used in the field of Education; the current use of e-portfolios in teacher training; and the present use of e-portfolios to support learner PDP. All HEIs currently offering Teacher Training within the UK were invited to participate in the study.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • ePortfolio
  • teacher education
  • continued professional development
  • higher education
  • teacher training


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