Training courses on expert knowledge elicitation

Abigail Colson, Fergus Bolger, Simon French, Lynn Frewer, John Paul Gosling, Andy Hart, John Quigley, Gene Rowe

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This final report summarises the objectives, activities and delivery, evaluation, and any future recommendations for each of the four trainings delivered under this contract. Sections are organised in chronological order consistent with the order in which trainings were delivered: Section 3 details the Sheffield course, Section 4 Semi-formal, Section 5 Delphi, and Section 6 Cooke. Section 7 provides overarching conclusions from across all trainings.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1710E
Number of pages38
JournalEFSA Supporting Publications
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2020


  • expert knowledge elicitation
  • delivering training
  • trainign courses


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