Towards predictive design: tracking a CNC fixture design process to identify the requirements

Gokula Vasantha, David Purves, Jonathan Corney, Michael Canavan, John Quigley, Andrew Sherlock

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Training novice production engineers to design manufacturing fixtures is a time-consuming process involving significant input from experienced experts. Motivated by the vision of providing an intelligent support system for general mechanical design, this paper develops a list of requirements for predictive suggestion mechanisms focused on creating fixtures for holding components during machining. To do this, the email communications between nine novices and one expert during the design of machining fixtures were studied. The analysis classified the expert’s feedback into ten coded themes. The significance of these themes was assessed by quantifying the resulting changes in the CAD models of the fixtures designs and fixture requirements. The identified results lay the foundation for developing a comprehensive CAD predictive suggestion system to support fixture design. Novice designers will benefit from this predictive suggestion system by correcting their design errors in real-time and reducing the need for experts’ time in the training process.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2022
Event19th International Conference in Manufacturing Research ICMR 2022 - Derby, United Kingdom
Duration: 6 Sept 20228 Sept 2022
Conference number: 19th


Conference19th International Conference in Manufacturing Research ICMR 2022
Abbreviated titleICMR 2022
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • predictive design
  • fixture design
  • CAD suggestion system


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