Tourism, SMEs and Employment - policies to stimulate job creation: Discussion paper prepared for United Nations World Tourism Organization and the ILO for G20 Meeting, Antalya, Turkey

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Policy makers across the G20 are facing the challenge of low growth, high levels of unemployment and rising income inequality, along with high budget deficits and debt as a result of the global economic crisis. While the global economic outlook is slowly improving, recovery remains stubborn; growth remains weak, unemployment and under-employment are issues across the G20 and some of the most vulnerable groups are in danger of being excluded from the labour market. This analysis provides the context for the call by the Turkish Presidency of the G20 for inclusive and robust growth through collective action. The policy framework addressed in this paper provides the basis for such collective action through a focus on tourism.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyUnited Nations World Tourism Organization and the ILO
Number of pages42
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


  • tourism
  • SMEs
  • small and medium enterprises
  • employment
  • job creation
  • G20
  • unemployment
  • income inequality
  • global economics


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