Time to be heard pilot forum evaluation: a chance to say more

Moyra Hawthorn, Andrew Kendrick

Research output: Other contribution

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In December 2004, Scotland's First Minister offered 'a full and sincere apology on behalf of the people of Scotland' to those who suffered abuse in residential homes in the pastthe Scottish Government. Since then, Tom Shaw carried out the Historical Abuse Systemic review which addressed the regulatory framework of resdiential care between 1950 - 1995 and in 2008 Scottish Government announced a consultation oon an 'Acknowledgement and Accountability Forum'. This led to a pilo project 'Time to be heard' which was set up to test the effectiveness of a confidential forum which gave former resdeints the opportunity to recount their experiences in care, especially abusive experiences to an independent panel. This evaluation. Ninely six questionnaires were sent out around three weeks after they had participated in the pilot forum. The questionnaire included an invitation to take part in a follow up face-to-face interview. Twleve interviews took place. participants were overwhelmingly supportive of the experience with the process but raised issues about acknowledgement and accountability.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2011


  • social care
  • residential child care
  • looked after children


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