Three-dimensional finite-difference finite-element frequency-domain wave simulation with multi-level optimized additive Schwarz domain-decomposition preconditioner: A tool for FWI of sparse node datasets

Pierre-Henri Tournier, Pierre Jolivet, Victorita Dolean, Hossein S. Aghamiry, Stéphane Operto, Sebastian Riffo

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Efficient frequency-domain full-waveform inversion (FWI) of long-offset node data can be designed with a few discrete frequencies, which lead to modest data volumes to be managed during the inversion process. Moreover, attenuation effects can be straightforwardly implemented in the forward problem without the computational overhead. However, 3D frequency-domain seismic modeling is challenging because it requires solving a large and sparse linear indefinite system for each frequency with multiple right-hand sides (RHSs). This linear system can be solved by direct or iterative methods. The former allows efficient processing of multiple RHSs but may suffer from limited scalability for very large problems. Iterative methods equipped with a domain-decomposition preconditioner provide a suitable alternative to process large computational domains for sparse-node acquisition. We have investigated the domain-decomposition preconditioner based on the optimized restricted additive Schwarz (ORAS) method, in which a Robin or perfectly matched layer condition is implemented at the boundaries between the subdomains. The preconditioned system is solved by a Krylov subspace method, whereas a block low-rank lower-upper decomposition of the local matrices is performed at a preprocessing stage. Multiple sources are processed in groups with a pseudoblock method. The accuracy, the computational cost, and the scalability of the ORAS solver are assessed against several realistic benchmarks. In terms of discretization, we compare a compact wavelength-adaptive 27-point finite-difference stencil on a regular Cartesian grid with a P3 finite-element method on h-adaptive tetrahedral mesh. Although both schemes have comparable accuracy, the former is more computationally efficient, the latter being beneficial to comply with known boundaries such as bathymetry. The scalability of the method, the block processing of multiple RHSs, and the straightforward implementation of attenuation, which further improves the convergence of the iterative solver, make the method a versatile forward engine for large-scale 3D FWI applications from sparse node data sets.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-84
Number of pages84
Issue number5
Early online date7 Jul 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 7 Jul 2022


  • full waveform inversion (FWI)
  • three-dimensional finite difference
  • finite-element frequency domain
  • wave simulation
  • multi-level optimized additive Schwarz domain-decomposition
  • sparse node datasets


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