"They live like animals": migrants, Roma and national populism

Eva Kourova, Stephen A. Webb

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    How do social workers negotiate the difficult terrain of an emergent national populism and how do they unravel the ethical and often deeply politicised dilemmas this poses in the face of insurgent far-right movements? The tensions and dilemmas are particularly acute when case working with migrants, refugees and Roma people. Here social workers are often involved in “bordering practices” and as gatekeepers faced with stark ethical dilemmas and politically nuanced tensions. Immigration raises cultural and security concerns as well as fears of economic displacement, and it weakens the legitimacy of transnational institutions This chapter shows how much of the populist hatred and violence towards Roma and migrants - a dehumanising strategy - is conveyed through visceral representations of disgust, filth and dirt. Moreover, social work as negative protection is increasingly securitised and entangled within populist drives for ‘useful’ and ‘economically active’ citizenship which is prejudicially juxtaposed against images of dirty, lazy people with excess fertility rates.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Challenge of Right-Wing Nationalist Populism for Social Work
    Subtitle of host publicationA Human Rights Perspective
    EditorsCarolyn Noble, Goetz Ottmann
    Place of PublicationLondon
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2022


    • populism
    • social work
    • discriminaiton
    • Roma people
    • racism


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