Thermomechanical analysis of composites under shock load using peridynamics

Yan Gao, Selda Oterkus

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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Composite structures have been increasingly used in marine industries because of their high performance. During their service time, they may be exposed to extreme loading conditions such as underwater explosions. Both thermal loading effects on deformation and deformation effects on temperature need to be taken into consideration in the numerical simulations. Therefore, a thermomechanical analysis is conducted in a fully coupled manner, in order to investigate the thermal and mechanical responses of composite materials under explosion loads. In this study, the peridynamics theory is used for failure analyses of composite structures
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
Place of PublicationCupertino, California
PublisherInternational Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9781880653876
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2018
EventThe 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - Sapporo, Japan
Duration: 10 Jun 201815 Jun 2018


ConferenceThe 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference


  • composites
  • peridynamics
  • thermomechanical
  • shock load


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