The world economy [March 1993]

Mark McFarland, Brian Ashcroft, Richard Brooks, Paul Draper, Stewart Dunlop, Cliff Lockyer, Jim Love, Eleanor Malloy, Tony McGough, Peter McGregor, R McLellan, Iain McNicoll, Eric McRory, Vanessa O'Brien, R Smith, Jim Stevens, Kim Swales, Ya Ping Yin, Mark McFarland (Editor), Fraser of Allander Institute

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In the third quarter of 1992 quarterly GDP/GNP growth averaged -0.1% in the main four world economies. The position of the USA improved but growth slowed dramatically in Japan and Germany. This analysis sets out growth rates for each country and provides a provisional estimate for the USA and the UK in the fourth quarter. Growth rates for these two are the normally quoted annualized quarterly
growth rates.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-4
Number of pages4
JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 1993


  • world economic trends
  • global economic outlook
  • global economic output

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