The spatial and urban dimensions in the 2000-06 objective 1 programmes

Laura Polverari, ML Rooney, Irene Mcmaster, Francois Josserand, Philip Justin Raines, John Bachtler, K Böhme , A Mariussen

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This project, undertaken for the European Commission, was on the integration of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) and the Urban Framework for Action (UFA) into the 2000-06 Objective 1 Structural Fund programmes. Undertaken at the same time as a parallel Objective 2 project, it had three main aims:

(i) to assess whether the Policy Guidelines and Aims of the ESDP and the policy options of the UFA had been integrated into the Objective 1 programmes,
(ii) to consider how this had been done, and
(iii) to draw together an overview by providing a typology of the spatial and urban actions which correspond with the integration of ESDP and UFA guidelines, aims and options.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • spatial dimentions
  • urban dimentions
  • ESDP
  • European Spatial Development Perspective


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