The Scottish economy [January 1981]

D.N.F. Bell, D. Hamilton, F. Harrigan, A. Jowett, F. Kirwan, J. McGilvray, N. O'Donnell, I. Orton, D. Simpson, E. Tait, J. Walker, A. Wingfield

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    The causes of the present recession are generally misunderstood. While it
    is undoubtedly the case that the growth of the world economy has been reduced, this has, as yet, had little effect on the UK. Exports have been surprisingly buoyant, benefiting perhaps from orders obtained when the pound was at a much lower level. Detailed forecasts, as well as additional analyses of the latest Scottish economic data, is provided to better understand Scotland's current economic predicament.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5-28
    Number of pages24
    JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 1981


    • Scottish economic conditions
    • Scottish economic output
    • UK economic trends
    • Scottish gross domestic product (GDP)
    • industrial performance
    • employment patterns
    • labour markets trends
    • Scotland


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