The rise and fall of neoliberalism: the collapse of an economic order?

Kean Birch (Editor), V Mykhnenko (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    The recent, devastating and ongoing economic crisis has exposed the faultlines in the dominant neoliberal economic order, opening debate for the first time in years on alternative visions that do not subscribe to a 'free' market ethic. In particular, the core contradiction at the heart of neoliberalism - that states are necessary for the functioning of free markets - provides us with the opportunity to think again about how we want to organise our economies and societies. The Rise and Fall of Neloberalism presents critical perspectives of neoliberal policies, questions the ideas underpinning neoliberalism, and explores diverse response to it from around the world. In bringing together the work of distinguished scholars and dedicated activists to question neoliberal hegemony, the book exposes the often fractured and multifarious manifestations of neoliberalism which will have to be challenged to bring about meaningful social change
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLondon
    Number of pages272
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2010


    • neoliberalism
    • economic order
    • economic crisis
    • 'free' market ethic


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