The optimisation of the estimating and tendering process in warship refit - a case study

D.A. Fleming, G.A. Forbes, L.E. Hayfron, A.H.B. Duffy, P.D. Ball

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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The optimisation of a tendering process for warship refit contracts is presented. The tendering process, also known as the pre-contract award process (PCA), involves all the activities needed to be successfully awarded a refit contract. Process activities and information flows have been modelled using Integrated Definition Language IDEF0 and a Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) with optimisation performed via a Genetic Algorithm (DSM-GA) search technique. By utilising this approach the process activities were re-sequenced in such an order that the number and size of rework cycles were reduced. The result being a 57% reduction in a criterion indicating 're-work' cycles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE'03)
Place of PublicationEdinburgh, United Kingdom
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • design engineering
  • production engineering
  • computer science
  • computer-aided engineering


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