The influence of fibre length and concentration on the properties of glass fibre reinforced polypropylene: 5. Injection moulded long and short fibre PP

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We present results of a step by step comparison of the mechanical performance of injection moulded 'long' (LF-PP) and 'short' (SF-PP) previous termglass fibre-polypropylenenext term compounds. The study allows direct comparison of the mechanical performance of long and short previous termfibrenext term systems in the same resin at the same previous termfibrenext term diameter, and the effect of previous termfibrenext term diameter in short previous termfibrenext term compounds. Furthermore, the comparison of these three systems has been made over the 0-40 wt% previous termfibrenext term content range. At the same previous termfibrenext term diameter and previous termfibrenext term content LF-PP gives significant improvements in room temperature tensile and flexural strength, notched and unnotched impact resistance. The improvement in impact resistance is higher still at lower test temperature. LF-PP also gives increasingly higher modulus over SF-PP as the strain is increased. The effect of lowering the previous termfibrenext term diameter in SF-PP has been shown to increase both strength and unnotched impact, but not to the levels obtained with LF-PP at higher previous termfibrenext term diameter. Notched impact and modulus of SF-PP were relatively unaffected by reduction of the previous termfibrenext term diameter. The relative mechanical data are shown to conform well to available models. The results are discussed in terms of the relevant micro-mechanical parameters of these materials.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1641-1652
Number of pages11
JournalComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2002


  • glass fibres
  • thermoplastic resin
  • injection moulding
  • polypropylene
  • composites


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