The effect of the More Active MuMs in Stirling trial on body composition and psychological well-being among postnatal women

Alyssa S Lee , Rhona J McInnes, Adrienne R Hughes, Wendy Guthrie , Ruth Jepson

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Introduction. Physical activity is important for health and well-being; however, rates of postnatal physical activity can be low.This paper reports the secondary outcomes of a trial aimed at increasing physical activity among postnatal women. Methods. More ActiveMuMs in Stirling (MAMMiS) was a randomised controlled trial testing the effect of physical activity consultation and pram walking group intervention among inactive postnatal women. Data were collected on postnatal weight, body composition, general well-being, and fatigue. Participants were also interviewed regarding motivations and perceived benefits of participating in the trial. Results. There was no significant effect of the intervention on any weight/body composition outcome or on general well-being at three or six months of follow-up. There was a significant but inconsistent difference in fatigue between groups. Qualitative data highlighted a number of perceived benefits to weight, body composition, and particularly well-being (including improved fatigue) which were not borne out by objective data. Discussion. The MAMMiS study found no impact of the physical activity intervention on body composition and psychological well-being and indicates that further research is required to identify successful approaches to increase physical activity and improve health and well-being among postnatal women.
Original languageEnglish
Article number4183648
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Pregnancy
Publication statusPublished - 17 Aug 2016


  • pram-walking
  • health
  • well-being
  • postnatal physical activity
  • physical activity participation
  • women
  • weight management
  • fatigue


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