The causal differential scattering approach to calculating the effective properties of random composite materials with a particle size distribution

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An implementation of the Causal Differential Method (CDM) for modelling the effective properties of a random two-phase composite material is presented. Such materials are commonly used as ultrasonic transducer matching layersor backing layers. The method is extended to incorporate a particle size distribution in the inclusion phase. Numerical issues regarding the implementation and convergence of the method are discussed. It is found that, for a given frequency of excitation, the calculated velocity for the composite has a distribution whose variance increases as the volume fraction of inclusions increases. The model predictions would suggest that to reliably and repeatedly manufacture these composites, with a desired mechanical impedance, a low volume fraction of inclusions should be used.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-59
Number of pages10
JournalSpringer Proceedings in Physics
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2009


  • differential scattering
  • composite materials
  • particle size distribution
  • casual differential method


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