The British economy [June 1990]

Jim Love, Brian Ashcroft, Richard Brooks, Neil Dourmashkin, Paul Draper, Stewart Dunlop, Cliff Lockyer, Lesley Magee, Eleanor Malloy, Iain McNicoll, Eric McRory, Claire Monaghan, Peter McGregor, Roger Perman, Jim Stevens, Kim Swales, Jim Love (Editor)

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The growth of demand is almost certainly still too high in relation to supply for there to be much improvement in both the rate of inflation and the balance on current account over the next few months. Interest rates are in consequence likely to remain high and at present levels for the remainder of this year, unless a decision to enter the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS is taken within the next few months.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7-12
Number of pages6
JournalQuarterly Economic Commentary
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1990


  • UK economic forecasts
  • British economic trends
  • macroeconomic trends
  • labour market conditions
  • industrial output
  • Britain
  • industrial relations
  • GDP growth


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