The Abrahamic model of hospitality: hospitality to those in necessitudine

Archbishop Mario J Conti, Kevin D O'Gorman, David McAlpine

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    This paper focuses on hospitality for the needy and considers how throughout history, even when religion is subjugated, there has always been recognition of the importance of hospitality in necessitudine or charitable hospitality. The paper presents a brief historical summary of hospitality based on the Abrahamic model of hospitality, which is shared by the three monothematic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It then compares those historical practices to the hospitality offered by the Archdiocese of Glasgow. It concludes by reflecting on the constantly evolving religious practice of providing hospitality to those in most need, through exploring this aspect of hospitality which is often overlooked in the current hospitality management literature.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2008
    EventEuroCHRIE 2008 Congress - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Duration: 11 Oct 200814 Oct 2008


    ConferenceEuroCHRIE 2008 Congress
    CityDubai, United Arab Emirates


    • hospitality management
    • hospitality
    • history
    • religion
    • poverty


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