Teaching lifespace working by using the lifespace in teaching

Fiona Feilberg

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One of the most useful, fruitful and illuminating models I have found of understanding the work of residential child care has been that of lifespace. When I was undertaking my own social work training I remember struggling, at times, to use the methods I was being taught to help me to understand and develop my work within a group environment. Often these models were based upon the assumption that working one-to-one was the norm. It was not that I was unable to amend what I was learning to make it more relevant, but that I had to struggle to make the models fit the complexity of working within a residential setting. The teaching which I received on the concept of lifespace provided me with a theoretical base which drew upon the wider range of teaching on child development and group dynamics. It also provided affirmation of the work I had undertaken, in that it confirmed the effectiveness of working within a group setting as an effective and valid option rather than as a poor substitute for individual work.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
JournalScottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2007


  • lifespace
  • flexibility
  • residential child care


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