Systematic cavitation tunnel tests for cavitation noise prediction

Batuhan Aktas, Mehmet Atlar, Patrick Fitzsimmons

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Minimization of propeller cavitation noise is best achieved through accurate and reliable predictions at an early design stage. The current state of the art, however, does not offer a plausible cavitation noise prediction method which can be implemented within the propeller design spiral. Within this framework, this paper aims to present the development and validation of a practical cavitation noise prediction method based on systematic experiments using a standard propeller series. Experiments using members of a standard propeller series (Meridian KCD) were conducted both in an open water condition, as it is the traditional way for the standard propeller series, and also behind systematically varied wake inflows. A subset of six "series" propellers was tested systematically in order to compile a database of propeller cavitation noise and for the development of noise prediction software. Furthermore, an advanced dynamic analysis tool has been introduced, based on the synchronized pressure pulse and cavitation observation data, to aid investigation of the influence of cavitation dynamics on noise. Overall, noise predictions of the developed method have shown satisfactory agreement in comparison to the full-scale noise data. The developed procedure for the advanced cavitation noise analysis has aided identification of certain frequency regions into which certain types of cavitation dynamics contribute.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2018
Event32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics - Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 5 Aug 201810 Aug 2018


Conference32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics


  • cavitation tunnel noise predictions
  • cavitation noise prediction


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