Swarm potential fields with internal agent states and collective behaviour

Mohamed Hussien Mabrouk Abdel Wahid, Colin McInnes

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Swarm robotics is a new and promising approach to the design and control of multi-agent robotic systems. In this paper we use a model for a system of self-propelled agents interacting via pairwise attractive and repulsive potentials. We develop a new potential field method using dynamic agent internal states, allowing the swarm agents' internal states to manipulate the potential field. This new method successfully solves a reactive path planning problem that cannot be solved using static potential fields due to local minima formation. Simulation results demonstrate the ability of a swarm of agents that use the model to perform reactive problem solving effectively using the collective behaviour of the entire swarm in a way that matches studies based on real animal group behaviour.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 10th British Conference on Mobile Robotics, Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference, TAROS2007
PublisherElsevier Science
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • swarm potential fields
  • robotics
  • swarm robotics
  • internal agent states
  • collective behaviour


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