Supporting strategic conversations: the significance of the model building process

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper reports on the use of both qualitative modelling (i.e. Journey Making) and quantitative system dynamics simulation modelling for a strategy making process in a UK police force. The main focus of the work is on the tension between the supply of resources (i.e. police officers) and the demands placed on those officers. The strategic conversation that took place was facilitated by 2 modellers - one focussing on managing the strategic enquiry, while the other considered the implications of the conversation for the system dynamics model. Three key strategic conversations emerged: the management of quality with respect to staff, measuring productivity, and the role of public expectations. The work raises issues for both model building processes and the strategic management of any public organization.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Conference - Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Duration: 26 Jul 200930 Jul 2009


Conference27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Conference
CityAlbuquerque, New Mexico, USA


  • strategic management
  • model building
  • qualitative modelling
  • quantitative system dynamics
  • management science


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