Supporting care leavers in Scottish further education colleges: a research account of a pilot programme aimed at supporting looked after young people and care leavers in further education colleges in Scotland

Graham Connelly, Zachari Duncalf, Judith Furnivall, Liz Seagraves, Rebecca Soden

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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The aim of the research, conducted between August 2009 and June 2011, was to conduct an evaluation of a programme funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) which supported three pilot projects concerned with the engagement in further education (FE) provision of young people aged between 15 and 19 who are in local authority care (at home and away from home) or who have left care. The overall aim of the research was to identify clear lessons for the Council and for the Scottish FE college sector more generally, leading to improved participation by care leavers in post-school education.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
Commissioning bodyScottish Funding Council SFC
Number of pages128
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2011


  • looked after children
  • care leavers
  • further education colleges


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