Supervisory target control for hybrid systems

A. Trontis, H. Xia, M.P. Spathopoulos

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This paper is concerned with the supervisory target control problem for hybrid systems modeled by hybrid automata. The problem is studied in a straightforward manner through reachability analysis. A switching controller is proposed such that all the trajectories of the controlled automaton, that initiate from a given initial set in the state space, reach a target set. At the same time a cost function, specified by weighting the discrete-event transitions of the automaton, is minimized. Emphasis is given to the control synthesis under event uncertainty modeled by uncontrollable transitions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2002
Event15th IFAC World Congress 2002 - Spain
Duration: 21 Jul 200226 Jul 2002


Conference15th IFAC World Congress 2002


  • target control
  • hybrid systems
  • control systems


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