Successful fault current interruption on DC circuit breaker

Yunhai Shan, Tee C. Lim*, Barry W. Williams, Stephen J. Finney

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This study focus on the interruption capability of the DC circuit breaker employing a current commutation approach and evaluates the two main factors that determine the success rate for breaker current interruption, namely the current slope di/dt before current zero and the rate of rise of the transient recovery voltage dv/dt across the mechanical breaker contacts after current zero. A vacuum circuit breaker is used to evaluate DC breaker characteristics. Detailed mathematical and graphical analysis are presented for the proposed circuit operation used in analysing the circuit breaker properties, with simulation and experimental results at fault current levels up to 330 A.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-218
Number of pages12
JournalIET Power Electronics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2016


  • dc circuit breaker
  • current interruption
  • vacuum circuits
  • current faults


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