Studies in perception and action V

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This is the fifth volume in an evolving series known collectively as "Studies in Perception and Action." It features papers presented at the Tenth International Conference on Perception and Action held in Edinburgh, Scotland in August of 1999. This series provides a unique insight into the evolution of research on the ecological approach to perception and action. Each volume presents new research, almost always at the cutting edge of the discipline, and gives a special place to younger scientists whose work contains the seeds which will determine the future growth and direction of the discipline. Studies in Perception and Action V thus offers the reader not just a cross-section of leading research at a given point in time, but a mini-history of ecological psychology and its development. In this regard it is already notable how many of the 'younger scientists' in the 1991 volume have become leading figures of the field today.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages346
Publication statusPublished - 1999

Publication series

NameStudies in perception and action series


  • perception
  • action
  • perceptual-motor processes
  • congresses
  • cognitive psychology


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