Strong field physics and QED experiments with ELI-NP 2x10PW laser beams

I. C. E. Turcu, S. Balascuta, F. Negoita, D. Jaroszynski, P. McKenna, L Trache, D Chesneanu, CA Ur

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The ELI-NP facility will focus a 10 PW pulsed laser beam at intensities of ∼1023 W/cm2 for the first time, enabling investigation of the new physical phenomena at the interfaces of plasma, nuclear and particle physics. The electric field in the laser focus has a maximum value of ∼1015 V/m at such laser intensities. In the ELI-NP Experimental Area E6, we propose the study of Radiation Reaction, Strong Field Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) effects and resulting production of Ultra-bright Sources of Gamma-rays which could be used for nuclear activation. Two powerful, synchronized 10 PW laser beams will be focused in the E6 Interaction Chamber on either gas or solid targets. One 10 PW beam is the Pump-beam and the other is the Probe-beam. The focused Pump beam accelerates the electrons to relativistic energies. The accelerated electron bunches interact with the very high electro-magnetic field of the focused Probe beam. The layout of the experimental area E6 will be presented with several options for the experimental configurations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExotic Nuclei and Nuclear/particle Astrophysics (V). From Nuclei To Stars
EditorsLivius Trache, Daniela Chesneanu, Calin Alexandru Ur
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2015


  • gamma rays
  • quantum electrodynamicss
  • magnetic fields
  • particle physics
  • plasma acceleration
  • lasers


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