Street centrality and the location of economic activities in Barcelona

Sergio Porta, Vito Latora, Fahui Wang, Salvador Rueda, Emanuele Strano, Salvatore Scellato, Alessio Cardillo, Eugenio Belli, Francisco Cardenas, Berta Cormenzana, Laura Latora

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The paper examines the geography of three street centrality indices and their correlations with various types of economic activities in Barcelona, Spain. The focus is on what type of street centrality (closeness, betweenness and straightness) is more closely associated with which type of economic activity (primary and secondary). Centralities are calculated purely on the street network by using a multiple centrality assessment model, and a kernel density estimation method is applied to both street centralities and economic activities to permit correlation analysis between them. Results indicate that street centralities are correlated with the location of economic activities and that the correlations are higher with secondary than primary activities. The research suggests that, in urban planning, central urban arterials should be conceived as the cores, not the borders, of neighbourhoods.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1471-1488
Number of pages18
JournalUrban Studies
Issue number7
Early online date10 Nov 2011
Publication statusPublished - May 2012


  • geography
  • street centrality
  • Barcelona
  • economic activities


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