STEM education in Scotland

Morag Findlay

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

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It is well known that the Scottish and English Education systems are different. I am writing this one week before the Scottish Referendum – whatever the outcome, the Scottish Education system will maintain its distinctiveness. This paper will explore some of the differences between the two systems and examine whether or not they are significant in science teacher education and what the implications of these differences may be. One example of difference is that in Scotland, we refer to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) rather than Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in England. Whether or not this indicates a wider approach to teacher education in Scotland rather than teacher training in England is another question.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-36
Number of pages6
JournalScience Teacher Education
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


  • science teaching
  • technology teaching
  • STEM education
  • Scottish education


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