Statistical analysis of MAIB database for the period 1990-2016

B. Navas de Maya, S.I. Ahn, R.E. Kurt

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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Maritime transport has been threatened by ship accidents since its origins; hence, a safety increase is a decisive requirement within the maritime sector. Aiming to improve aforementioned safety, this paper performs systematic statistical analysis of ship accidents for the majority of vessel categories. Moreover, the data for this study is provided by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), which includes 38974 entries regarding maritime accidents between 1990 and 2016. Numerous past studies have emphasized the importance of accident statistics in risk quantification, as statistical analysis may demonstrate the trends for certain accidents. Hence, this paper first applies descriptive statistics in order to have a comprehensive overview of the database. Then, this paper perform some hypothesis tests to investigate the relations among some variables (e.g. the vessel category and the accident outcome or the vessel age and the loss of the vessel).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 18th International Congress of the Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2019), September 9-11, 2019, Varna, Bulgaria
EditorsPetar Georgiev, Carlos Guedes Soares
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2019
Event18th International Congress of the Maritime Association of the Mediterranean - Varna, Bulgaria
Duration: 9 Sept 201911 Sept 2019


Conference18th International Congress of the Maritime Association of the Mediterranean
Abbreviated titleIMAM 2019


  • maritime transport
  • shipping accidents
  • marine accident investigation


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