Staff morale, motivation and job satisfaction

I.M. Milligan

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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    The evidence about poor ‘outcomes’ for those who have spent many years in
    the ‘care system’ suggests that the residential intervention is often used ‘too little and too late’ but nevertheless it does carry out a vital role in providing a
    haven, and stability, for some of the most vulnerable and needy children. These
    are often children who have endured years of unhappy family life, and numerous failed foster placements, and who are thus considered ‘difficult to place’. Despite this, the residential intervention has still not fully established its validity and value in the eyes of many social workers who are reluctant to seek admissions to care even when the home circumstances warrant it (Kendrick
    2003: p.138). Notwithstanding this view, such is the level of need, reflected in
    the number of emergency admissions, there will be very few empty beds on any
    given night, anywhere in the United Kingdom. Yet in many cases the hope (of
    social work managers) will be that children can be moved out in as short a time
    as possible. Not without cause is residential work still referred to as a
    ‘Cinderella’ profession.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFit for the future? Residential child care in the United Kingdom
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • staff morale
    • residential child care
    • child care
    • job satisfaction


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