Stability margin definition for a converter-grid system based on diagonal dominance property in the sequence-frame

Gabriele Amico, Agusti Egea Alvarez, Lie Xu, Paul Brogan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The increased presence of power converters in power networks has set new power system stability chal-lenges. New methodologies have been proposed to analyse these systems and one of the most promisingis the impedance-based stability criterion. To date using this method the grid interfaced converter is repre-sented in terms of impedances and it is assumed that the converter impedances within the sequence-frameare decoupled. However, coupling between the components of the sequence-frame converter impedanceshave been observed, and different studies have shown how relevant this might become to the stability per-formance. Hence, a stability margin that takes such coupling into account is presented in this paper. Thisresults in a more conservative measure of the stability robustness of the system, compared to the gainand phase margin figures employed in the impedance-based stability criterion. The presented study hasbeen used to assess how the relative stability of a VSC system connected to a weak grid varies with itsoperating point, and experimental data have been used to support the analytical study.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2019
Event21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE2019) - Genona, Italy
Duration: 2 Sept 20196 Sept 2019


Conference21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE2019)


  • converter circuit
  • converter control
  • voltage source converter
  • power transmission
  • renewabe energy systems


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